Sexual Wellness Guide

Everything to know about Transgender Sex Products: Full Guidance

What happens when your identity does not match the sex assigned to you at birth? The term transgender may be a modern definition, but it is nothing new – it is happening throughout all recorded history. It is a mixed society full of different racial and ethnic backgrounds. Nowadays, visibility grows through tv-series and media, but the fight for equality is not nearly done. Thus, let us talk about how it is to be trans. Plus, find everything you need to know about transgender products in this ultimate guide.

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Sex & Gender: Is There Any Difference?

People tend to confuse sex and gender, while these are two different terms.

Sex classifies people as male, female, or intersex based on which genitals they have. Intersex means that variations in sex features, including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals, cannot be categorized as typically male or female.

Gender describes our understanding of ourselves. Some most common are:

1.    Cisgender – when gender assigned to you at birth corresponds to the one you identify as

2.    Transgender – when your identity does not correspond to your sex assigned at birth

3.    Nonbinary – people who understand their gender identity as above male or female

You Cannot Tell Person’s Gender By Looking At Them

Gender expression is how we present our gender through physical appearance, clothing, hairstyles, etc. Thus, we can perceive gender. Yet, we cannot visually see a person’s sex merely by looking at them.

Respecting Names and Pronouns

Respecting the chosen name and pronouns is more than merely polite – it can save lives. The study proves that addressing someone as they wish lowers depressive symptoms and suicidal behavior.

What Does It Mean To Transition?

Transitioning is the procedure of changing your look and how people see you (and maybe more importantly, how you appear in a mirror). The wanted result is to become the gender you feel you are. Now, there are two types of transition.

Social transitioning could contain:

  1. Coming out to your family and friends
  2. Asking people to use your preferred pronouns
  3. Changing your name
  4. Change your hairstyle and clothes

The medical transition for trans men and some non-binary people could contain:

  1. Hormone therapy – making voice deeper, facial hair growth, stopping period, etc.
  2. Chest reconstruction of breasts
  3. Hysterectomy – removing of internal female reproductive organs
  4. Phalloplasty – the building of a penis with skin from other parts of a body
  5. Metoidioplasty – making a clitoris work like a penis

The medical transition for trans women and some non-binary people could contain:

  1. Hormone therapy – making feminine attributes of a body
  2. Breast boost – implants
  3. Orchiectomy – deduction of testes
  4. Laser hair removal from a body
  5. Tracheal shave – reducing the size of Adam’s apple
  6. Facial feminization surgery
  7. Penile inversion vaginoplasty – creating a vagina by switching penile skin

As you can see, transitioning is more complicated than surgery, and it could take many years. You are going through social, medical, and legal factors.

But why would you do it? People transition to be true to themselves.

Does Everyone Who Is Transgender Choose To Transition?

Let us answer right: No, being transgender does not mean you have to transition. And even if you do, you can choose to transition socially and not medically. Or you can do just some of the medical surgeries, but not all of them. Or drink hormones and not have surgery at all.

Reasons for those choices vary. Medical procedures tend to be expensive. And some people do not have health insurance that covers that. Others do not even want to do it. That could be because of a lack of supportive community and risk to personal safety.

Either way, those who transition are not more real trans than those who decide not to do it. It is up to you how you tell your truth!

At What Age Does Transgender Start?

There is no right age to determine your gender identity. Some people learn they are trans since childhood. For their mental health, parents must support them. And other people discover that much later in life through access to social, medical, or legal resources.

So, finally: People of all ages are transgender. And it is also okay if you explore your gender identity throughout your whole life.

Transgender People Can Be Straight, Gay, or Bisexual

Sexuality is a broader spectrum than we are often aware of. And knowing someone’s gender does not imply knowing sexual orientation. Transgender people can have any sexuality, including straight, gay, or bisexual.

Is Being Trans A Mental Illness?

No. Transgender is not a mental illness.

The problem is that society has long believed that people who do not follow the normative and are different must be ill. But in 2019., The International Classification of Disease has removed gender identity disorder from the mental disorders section and put it under the sexual health department. Thus, now it is official that trans people wish to verify their gender medically for wellbeing. And not because of their mental illness.

But Is It True That Trans People Experience More Mental Health Issues?

Yes, trans have higher rates of mental health concerns and symptoms than the population in general. We are speaking about depression, anxiety, and suicidality. Many pieces of research are proving this. One Australian study from 2021. states that trans people are 12 times more likely to be suicidal.

The reasons for this are:

  1. Discrimination – including having fewer opportunities than cis people
  2. Stigma – including assuming that their gender is the cause of their mental issues
  3. Lack of acceptance
  4. Misuse of language
  5. Abuse

Plus, many trans people are dealing with dysphoria, a state of deep dissatisfaction. Note that this is not depression but may lead to it.

Type of Transgender Products

A thoughtful gift will make everyone feel better. So, one way to show your Transgender friend how much you appreciate them is by buying them some transgender products. Or, if you are Transgender, you can buy it for yourself and celebrate self-love.

I gathered the list of the best transgender products you must check out:

  1. Packers
  2. Transgender Bras
  3. Transgender Breast Forms
  4. Transgender Gaffs
  5. Transgender Padded Panties


So, what packers are? They are penis-shaped products created to support trans men to load their crotch area while having clothes on.

Types Of Packers

Models of packers differ in many things – rigidity, length, color, and material. Either way, we can divide them into two categories:

1.      Soft – created to simulate a bulge and make you feel more like yourself by your appearance. Some models may help you pee standing up. But you cannot use it for penetrative sex

2.      Hard – pack and play – made from silicone, it can be even used for penetrative sex. Thus, it has a higher price than soft packers

Practical Tips For Wearing A Packer:

#1 Size Is Important

I know that idea of having a massive penis seems tempting because of the standard that the porn industry has set up. But you will not feel comfortable if a prosthetic is too large or too small. Thus, before buying a product, research by putting socks of different lengths in your pants to sit what size fits your body.

#2 Beware Of Material Allergies

So, you are happy that you finally got your bulge. But soon enough, you got redness and itchiness. Yup, you got an allergy – on rubber or latex. What is a solution? Often is silicone. It will last longer, and you can boil it for sterilization. Plus, it is nonporous, so it will not trap bacteria.

#3 Give Yourself Time To Adapt

Nope, it will not feel good right away. You must give yourself time to adapt before it is all-natural. That is why it is great to wear it first at home, trying to sit, stand up, jump, bend, etc. Once it is all fine, you can go outside too.

#4 Positioning Is Key

To feel comfortable, you must position your packer right. Now, there are two main poses:

  • Packing Up – if you let your penis rest up against your hip flexors, you will lessen product visibility
  • Packing Down – if your penis rests above the scrotal region, even smaller packers will be sizeable

#5 Hard Packing Demands A Bit More Preparation

A hard packer demands more effort to all stay in place. So, if you are a newbie, you will need a harness and specialized underwear.

#6 Dildo Cannot Be Used Instead Of A Packer

You may think that a dildo is a better solution than a packer since it is less pricey. But it will look weird and not realistic.

Care And Cleaning

The material of your packer dictates how you will clean it.

If you have a silicone packer, I have good news for you – it is easy to clean! Simply wash it with soap and water, and then let it dry.

And if you have a Cyberskin packer, you should dust it with cornstarch after drying.

How To Choose A Packer?

It is easy to find a packer in your skin color. But how to know it will fit your needs? I would suggest you ask yourself these questions:

1.    How big do you wish your packer to be?

2.    Do you have any latex or rubber allergy?

3.    Do you want to have it just for your appearance, or are you planning to have penetrative sex with it too?

4.    What is your price range?

Transgender Bras

When it comes a day to buying your first bra, you might get overwhelmed by the sea of choices. And I get you! After all, you wish to get a perfect one that will offer you a genuine feminine silhouette. Did you know they are bras designed especially for cis women? They are split into three types: regular, bralette, and pocket bra.

#1 Regular Bra

Calling bra regular does not seem to do it justice, but it is how they named it! You still have many shapes and patterns to choose from. Regardless, I would say that the best start is a T-shirt bra. They are thin and smooth to the touch. Plus, the cups are nicely contoured!

#2 Bralette

Bralettes are just like regular bras, but they do not have any molded pads or underwires. They are usually made from soft cotton or lace. And you can even wear them as part of your outfit, not just as underwear. The downfall is that they are semi-supportive, and it will be tricky wearing silicone pads to load them.

#3 Pocket Bra

Pocket bras are mainly created for cis women that got mastectomies. Although, some manufacturers started making ones for trans women too. As the name suggests, they come with little pockets in the cups to adjust a breast form or prosthetic. And if you are all about comfortability, you can wear them without silicone.

Transgender Breast Forms

Breast forms are another excellent way to boost your femininity. But what are we talking about exactly? They are synthetic breasts made from silicone or foam. And you can find them in different shapes, sizes, and skin tones. How to wear it? Place them directly on your skin, or slip them into special bras.

There are two principal categories of breast form shapes: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Neither is better than another one because each fits some body shape.

Symmetrical Breast Form

Symmetrical prosthetics are oval, round, teardrop, and triangle-shaped. The pros are natural looks and feminine figures. Now, I will give you examples of them and the body types they match well with:

1.    Oval breast forms -wide and flat, it is a good choice if you go for a more modest lift

1.    Round breast forms -circular, high-profile prosthetics, will pose low on the chest and flatter more comprehensive frames of 36” inches and more

2.    Teardrop breast forms – the most natural-looking of all models, for both tiny and wide girls

3.    Triangle breast forms – wide model, so it will suit wider girls

Asymmetrical Breast Form

Asymmetrical breast forms are specialized prosthetics. You can buy one single or a set of them. Typically, women who have had mastectomies wear them. But if you feel like your chest tissue is uneven, you may wish to try it too. Although, bear in mind that they are more expensive.

How to Wear Breast Forms Without a Bra?

You can wear breast forms with no bra, but it will not be an easy task. It will take a while to discover how and where to put it to make it seem natural. Yet, the pros are freedom and no worries will it move around in the bra thanks to being attached to the breast directly.

I suggest you utilize skin-safe adhesive or spirit gum. Both will last long. But, of course, always do testing first to see if you are allergic by applying a bit on your arm.

And How to Wear Breast Forms With a Bra?

First thing first: get your pocket ready. The rest is easy! Just put your silicone or foam fillers into it! Any downside? Well, yes, it will move around if you do some physical activity.

Transgender Gaffs

A gaff is an underwear created especially for tucking. If you are unsure what tucking is – it is a way of keeping exterior genitals between the legs. Thus, if you want to hide the appearance of their pelvic area, you might want to wear it. The only problem with this solution is that it will stop you from the opportunity to pee fast – so, be aware!

The maintenance is easy: you should wash it in cold water without bleaching after each use. If you wish to put it in a washing machine, you can, but on the gentle cycle. And of course, hang it to dry before you store it.

So, wait, how to choose a gaff? As with everything, you should think if you like how it looks like, what material it is, and is it pricey for your wallet.

How to Pick The Right Size of a Gaff?

Picking the right size of underwear is easy. And the good news is that sizing the gaff is pretty much the same. Measure yourself around the waist, just beyond the hips. And then check the sizing chart of the gaff you like, and see which size classification you belong. Remember that gaff should be tight, but not too much.

How to Wear a Gaff?

The experience of wearing a gaff is not exactly the same for each person. I will help you with the explanation, but you must also listen to your body speak. And take some breaks from tucking once in a while.

The general steps are:

1.    Pass everything you desire to tuck between your thighs and buttock cheeks – try different styles before you find some that feels comfortable

2.    Put on your gaff just like you would an underwear

It is also crucial to know that you cannot keep it on for too long. Otherwise, it will stop your blood circulation. But that is not the only risk! You can also have skin problems, irritation from friction, a fungal infection, and even result in infertility. So, how can you avoid it all? By taking a break whenever possible. Now, I know that is not what you wanted to hear, but you can at least take it off while watching a movie, wearing loose clothing, and when you sleep.

Transgender Padded Panties

Padded panties are underwear that helps cis and trans women shape their butt and belly, giving you a firmer look and a more feminine appearance.

Depending on your desired shape, you should decide the size of your next padded panties: smaller panties will give you a round-shaped butt.

There are not many colors to pick from, but black, white, and nude colors.

Also, if you are sporty and into cycling, for example, you can get a cycling model.  Pretty convenient, right?

The Bottom Line

Fighting for your rights can be difficult, but it is a road you must take to have your freedom. Or, even if you do not belong to the community, you should be an ally in making a better world. Plus, I hope that my guide helped you buy the products you need. I believe that trans women and men merit fashioned things with their bodies in mind!

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