Couple Wellness

How to make a sex toy at home? The complete DIY guide

Do you know that moment in life when you are really need some fun? You are super horny. Yet you do not have access to your sex toys – they are nowhere near. So, what can you do? Get creative, of course! You would not be the first one who makes sex toys at home. People do it all the time. When you think about it, it could be even better! I mean, it is cheap, as easy to hide as you made it, and just the shape you need. It seems like there are many reasons to do it! But are there are safety risks? Let us dive into the topic more, shall we? This guide will go deeply into details about DYI sex toys!

The Course 101 On Safety For DIY Sex Toys

Quality sex toys are manufactured so that you can safely put them in and out of yourself. If you are putting in something that is not made with that purpose, like household, you are risking a lot. Thus, there are safety measures you should follow.

Use A Condom

First of all, do you know which materials are safe to place in your body? Medical-grade silicone, ABS plastic, borosilicate glass, and stainless steel. Does that mean that you are all safe if you use those materials? Not exactly! It has to be thoroughly sanitized. I recommend almost always (if not always) using a condom while playing with a DIY sex toy.

A condom will make sure you will not get any infections or injuries. It is like a body-safe barrier! Plus, add some lubricant for pleasure!

Be Safe From Infection

We already mentioned this, but yes: the material should be body-safe, and you should clean it thoughtfully.

Stay away from anything dirty and/or porous. And make sure it is phthalate-free! Be smart with what you use because it can have tiny holes that you cannot see with your naked eyes, but they can still transmit diseases.

Make Sure It Will Not Break

Stay away from anything that can break or shatter easily. I know what you think now: what about glass sex toys? That is not ordinary glass but tempered shatterproof. Thus, it has the stability that you need!

For example, wood, fruit, and vegetables could snap. Be super careful you do not end up with injury!

Do Not Lose It Inside Your Body

I heard a story about a guy who used a phone (the old model) as an anal dildo, and it got stuck into his butt. It has a happy ending, and it is even funny when you listen about it, but sure as hell, it was not funny for the poor guy while it was happening. Besides, it is pure luck that the ending was happy – he could end up seriously injured and in the hospital.

The moral of the story is to be super careful what you put inside your body and to think not twice but million times if you can take it out later.

What You Can Use For DIY Sex Toys?

The list of the things you can use for a homemade dildo is long, and I prefer to divide it into two groups. The first list will be for those who are just starting with playing. And the second one will be for pro players, who are ready for something challenging. Do not jump onto the second group till you are prepared – safety comes first.

DIY Sex Toys For Beginners (the perfect size for newbies is about 4 inches)

  1. Hairbrush
  2. Toothbrush case
  3. Handle of a makeup brush
  4. Mascara bottles
  5. Sharpie
  6. TV remote
  7. Candle – long steam type
  8. Fruit such as banana

DIY Sex Toys For Pro Players:

  1. Vegetables such as cucumber
  2. Shampoos bottles – but stay away from the ones with a pop-off cap
  3. Handle of a hammer
  4. Handle on a tennis racket
  5. Baseball bat
  6. Zucchini
  7. As you can conclude, the first row of things is smaller, and the second one is larger-sized.

Why You Should Own A DIY Vibrator?

The DIY vibrators that we are about to discuss are better than other DIY sex toys since they do not go inside your body. That means that you can keep an eye on it, and you will have fewer chances for injury or infection. After all, you want to have a great time, and not sit and worry!

So, why should you own a DIY vibrator? Because it is easy and fast to create it, and it is cheap.

Is It Dangerous To Use DIY Sex Toys?

Not to sound dramatic, but yes, it can be risky to use DIY sex toys. But if you are following the safety measures, you should be fine. The most important is to be careful with what things you are transforming into toys. Then, be mindful about how far you will insert it inside your body. Besides, if you do preparation (such as washing) incorrectly, you are again at risk.

You might want to play with your hairbrush. But if it is made from wood, it may have splinters. Further, they can injure the delicate walls of your vagina or break the condom. That is why you should check for imperfections.

Either way, I would always opt for real sex toys. You would have to invest some money, but you would be sure it is 100% body-safe. And if you worry about your privacy, you can always buy from a website that offers discreet shipping.

If you still want to try DIY sex toys, use a condom, lube, and common sense. It would not be nice to deal with pain and explain to a doctor why you have a TV remote control in your vagina or anus.

So, How To Safely Use DIY Sex Toys?

No matter what item do you use for a sexual play, you should follow the following tips:

  1. Pick a body-safe material only
  2. Wash your new toy with soap and hot water, and even steam if possible – do it before and after each play
  3. If the material cannot melt, then boil it in hot water – it will eliminate germs
  4. Check if there is anything that can hurt you – are there sharp edges or something that can snap off, or is it rough
  5. Use a lube
  6. Do not push it in too far inside – you want to be sure you can easily take it out
  7. Hold the base of your toy carefully – you do not wish to lose your toy inside you
  8. Storage it in the safe place

How To Play With A DIY Dildo?

#1 Select Wisely

Okay, I know, a dildo is nothing but a thick stick. All pleasure comes from what we do with it. BUT (yes, the big but is intentional) it is still crucial to pick the right thing. If your dildo is too small, you will not feel it. If it is too big, it will be unpleasantly painful. Thus the wrong item will ruin the fun, no matter how hard you try.

Then also, you should choose a form, size, and coloring that turns you on.

#2 Always Use Lube

This is not because it is homemade – all sex toys give you better pleasure if you use lube. Lubricants help to make penetration easygoing. So, you might even need to re-apply it during the play.

#3 Do Not Forget To Put Condom

We already spoke about this – it is much safer to use a condom to prevent infections. But this is even more important if you want to use it for both the vagina and anus. It is dangerous if bacteria from the rectum travels to your vagina.

#4 Anal VS Vaginal

The safety risk with DIY sex toys is higher for anal than for vaginal play. Why is that? Well, anal toys require a flared base that stops them from getting lost inside the rectum. Likely, your DIY dildo will not have the base. And even if it does, like a hairbrush, you should not do it if your anus is not trained to stretch.

#5 Examine Your Sex Toy

Again, we already spoke about this too. You are looking for any imperfections on your toy that could hurt you, such as sharp ends.

#6 Make Yourself Horny First

Before playing with sex toys, it is always a good idea to be horny. But it is even more crucial if your toy is DIY. If you are not turned on, pushing an item inside of you can harm you.

#7 Start Slowly

A slow start does not mean you are boring. It is actually quite exciting to try new things, so no rushing is sensual.

Drive the toy around the vulva and the labia. That will not only be a tease, but it will work as an extra check if it is all safe.

#8 Play With Rhythm And Speed

A DIY dildo cannot be as hard as a model you will buy in the store. So, you must be careful how you utilize it. No, I am not saying you should be all boring. I am just telling you must experiment with speed and rhythm.

If you feel like your thingy will break, stop right away! Also, why not have a few DIY dildos that you can change for use for one session? Why have one banana next to you when you can have five?

#9 Explore Your Deepness

If you never had deep penetration, DIY sex toys are a great way to explore them. Not each person likes the same deepness. So, you find your pleasurable spot. And maybe it is best to use vegetables! I suggest cucumbers of different sizes.

Play with various deeps and angles to discover the correct areas. Also, do not forget to change your sex position once in a while. That will determine satisfaction, too!

And then, once it hurts, stop. It means you have hit the cervix. Once the pain is gone, you can slowly start again.

#10 Do Clitoral Stimulation, Too

All vulva owners must agree that clitoral stimulus feels like heaven! Even more, if you mix it with vibration and penetration. Now, let me answer your question right away: yes, you can use your homemade dildo for clitoral stimulation!

Is it more complicated? Yes, it needs some extra effort. Does it pay off? Absolutely! So, how to do it? For example, you would have to attach some tiny carrots to your cucumber.

#11 Various Sizes for Diverse Moods

Playing with only one size is a huge mistake! Instead, why not change sizes every couple of minutes?

Homemade Dildo From Fruits And Vegetables

#1 Cucumber

I know what you are asking now: Is it even secure to place cucumber in me? Generally speaking, yes, but you must make sure the texture is smooth. Also, it should be very long. Then, wrap it in a condom. Plus, never put a whole cucumber inside your body – for safety measures.

#2 Carrot

Carrots are an excellent option due to their length – the average size is about 6 inches, which we can say that it imitates a real-life penis. Also, carrots are great because of their immobility and tapered form. Be careful to vegetables be smooth and easy to hold, of course.

#3 Corn On The Cob

Corn on the cob is a super intense dildo. I mean, think about all those nodules on the corn! Once you put it inside, it will give you a sensation you never felt before! Just make sure you use a condom, of course.

Homemade Dildos And Vibrators From Household Items

#1 Electric Toothbrush

Electric Toothbrush could be the most popular DIY vibrator. And it is the easiest one since you do not need to re-create it – it is already made! First, wash your electric toothbrush handle. Then press the vibrating base over your clitoris. The sensation will be intense!

Another way to do it is by wrapping the base in a condom and then putting it into your vagina. Keep the power button on!

#2 Drumstick

I know that everyone is into music and drumming. If you are, then guess what? You should know that drumsticks make a great dildo! Why? They are thin yet sturdy, and they have a tapered end.

Wooden drumsticks have to go with a condom for shard security. So, plastic ones are better since you can clean them.

#3 Makeup Brush Handle

A suitable brush is one with hard plastic powder and a thick handle. Wash it super thoroughly, and then put it inside and enjoy!

#4 Shower Head

Do you live in a region with decent water pressure? Then, your detachable showerhead will make a wonderful DIY vibrator! Also, take care that the temperature of the water is pleasant.

#5 Shampoo Bottle

Why throw away the bottle of shampoo or conditioner once you finish it when you can use it as a dildo? That one that is suitable will be long and narrow. And I hate to keep repeating it, but do not forget the condom!

#6 Back Massager

Back massagers are the perfect invention. After all, they take away tension from us and ease sore muscles. But they can also give us orgasms if we use them as a vibrator!

#7 Hairbrush Handle

Did you know that many girls use a hairbrush handle as their first dildo? It is not a surprise! Hairbrushes are long, thin, and typically made from plastic. You can even easily set a condom over them. If you want to try it, be careful that the shape and size suit your hole. And give it extra caution if it is wooden.

#8 Toothbrush Handle

Do you need a toy for newbie players that is not large and frightening? Then take a regular toothbrush, not electrical. Place a condom over it, and it is ready for insertion and play! This goes without saying, but let me repeat it anyway- you should avoid the hair.

Homemade Dildos Vibrators From Devices

#1 Smartphone App

Go on Google Play and download some apps such as Massager Vibration App. You will get various vibrating settings, so try them out! Now, it is not ideal stimulation. But I would still not advise you to put the phone inside you.

#2 Video Game Controller

Are you a gamer? If you are, you put games in the first place. But sex comes right after, right? So why not mix these two pleasures? Your Xbox or PS4 controller could be a handy little external vibrator. Test your vibration settings!

Other Dildo Ideas


Let me give you a few ideas on how to make DIY sex toys with IKEA things:

  1. Get a rubber spatula in IKEA and cover the handle with some soft cloth
  2. Utilize a few rubber bars to ensure the cloth around the spatula hold
  3. Put a condom over the toy with a condom
  4. Lube it up
    The more difficult idea:
  5. Get a dense marker pen
  6. Cut a hole in a pillow, and take out some stuffing
  7. Put the stuffing into a condom, loading about half of it
  8. Set the marker pen in the condom, and then fill it with the rest of the stuffing
  9. Fasten a knot
  10. Lube it up

Toilet Paper And Condom

This one sounds odd, but it can actually work:

  1. Damp a lot of toilet paper
  2. Squeeze it into a condom
  3. Tie a knot
  4. Lube up

Clone A Penis Of Your Boyfriend

The ultimate DIY sex toy is the one when you clone the penis of your partner. And it is not even hard to do it! So, how do you do it?

Blend the putty, and then take a mold of his penis. Place the vibrator in – be patient till it is set.

Why would you want to do it? It will be a replica of the penis of your boyfriend, and that is a turn-on if you are (and assume you are if you are dating) attracted to him. Also, if you are in a long-term relationship, or your boyfriend needs to travel, you will not have to miss him! Plus, you can have a good laugh about it together.

The Bottom Line

If you opt for creating a sex toy yourself, only the sky will be the limit. Do not be afraid to experiment, to be creative. Think about as many different things as you can. But, of course, you cannot forget to be careful. Safety comes first – after all, your body is your temple, and you do not want to ruin it. Thus, without doing something that will take you to the emergency room, have your fun!

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