Female Wellness

How to Tighten The Vagina? The Complete Guide On Doing Vaginal Tightening

Age is just a number. Apart from when it comes to the aging of our vagina. That brings emotional hell. Something similar happens with pregnancy – it is a blessing. But then it takes to the trouble of vaginal changes. Yes, I am speaking about tightness. Painful sex, leak of orgasm, stress urinary incontinence – the quality of life will decrease, and so will our confidence.

Is there any solution? I believe there might be!

So, ladies, grab a glass of wine and get yourself comfortable. We are about to research all about vaginal tightening.

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First thing first: Is It Possible to Have a Loose Vagina?

As with all in this world, there are plenty of myths about the vagina. The biggest misconception is that vagina can lose elasticity during sex. The truth is that vagina can stretch, but it will quickly get back to its shape.

Then can something provoke the vagina to become a loser? Yes. The vagina is likely to become slightly looser due to aging and childbirth. But I am very irritated with the term loose vagina. Historically, it was used to shame a woman for having sexual intercourse with more than one person. And that is far from correct! As I said, the vagina is getting looser because of the most natural and inevitable process – aging. Or due to something so beautiful as giving birth to a child.

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Natural Process Of Change Of Vagina

Each time you give birth, the muscles in your vagina will weaken. But even if you did not go through pregnancy, it will still happen through the years. Bellow, we can get a bit more into details.


Okay, I know no one likes to talk about aging. Even tho women are similar to wine – only getting better with time. But some changes freak us out with reason, for example, losing elasticity in our vaginas.

When does it first happen? Typically, it will start in your 40s. That is the age when our estrogen levels become dropping down. Further, the decrease of estrogen will make a vaginal tissue become:

  1. thinner
  2. more dehydrated
  3. less sour
  4. less elastic or adjustable
  5. All these changes will become more rigid in the age of full menopause.


It is nothing odd that each vaginal delivery makes muscles weaken. After all, muscles stretch and suffer to let a baby go out of the entrance of the vagina.

Will muscles stay that way? After a few days, they should go back to normal, although probably not entirely. The good news is that there are ways to make this better, about which we will talk a bit later.

What is Vaginal Tightening?

Vaginal tightening is a surgical technique that tenses the loose muscles of the vagina. Vaginal muscles should revive strength and elasticity. That will allow better orgasm and increased lubrication. Plus, vaginal dryness and stress urinary incontinence are likely to be eliminated. I do not need to say that all of this will boost your confidence.

How complicated is this procedure? It is supposed to be quite simple since it is done in less than twenty minutes, and there is no need for anesthesia. Plus, there is no need for an expansive recovery process.

Who Should Do Vaginal Tightening?

There is no age restriction for vaginal tightening – anyone can benefit from it. If you are experiencing sexual dysfunction or getting embarrassed with urinary incontinence, you could be a candidate for this procedure.

A vaginal tightening is beneficial for:

  1. Aesthetic concerns
    Weaken pelvic muscles will cause a visible growth in the vaginal diameter and even a bad shape. So, if that makes you feel uncomfortable and less attractive, be aware that you are not the only one.
  2. Decreased sexual satisfaction
    Because of loss of vaginal elasticity, you could suffer from painful intercourse. Why is that? Deflated tightness in the vaginal walls reduces friction and feeling in sexual actions.
    Besides, vaginal dryness and vaginal itching are connected with a lax vagina. And will also make sex unpleasant.
  3. Urinary stress incontinence
    Losing control over the bladder and urethral muscles is super discomfiting. It happens due to lessened solidity in the pelvic and vaginal muscles. Thus, a loose vagina will cause you to release urine unconsciously.

Will Vaginal Tightening Help?

Vaginal tightening may help you in various ways.

#1 Lead to a better orgasm

Vaginal tightening is supposed to strengthen your muscles and reform the elasticity of the pelvic floor. To explain it better, that will make your vagina tighten again and boost friction during sexual activity. Sex should feel good all over again!

#2 Improve Vaginal Dryness And Itching

Vaginal tightening should bring back a vagina to its initial youthful form. If so, those two issues will pass.

#3 Treat Stress-Induced Urinary Incontinence

Imagine laughing with your friends or sneezing in front of them, and then peeing yourself. That is what stress urinary incontinence does to you! Successful vaginal tightening should help you get into control over your bladder again.

treatments for Vaginal Tightening

All treatment choices could be split into three types:

  1. Pelvic exercises
  2. Non-invasive choice – creams and laser
  3. Surgery

Pelvic exercises

If you deal with weak pelvic floor muscles you may:

  1. unwilling release urine or wind
  2. have the constant urge to pee
  3. have an ache in a pelvic region
  4. have discomfort during sex

Now, be aware that if you deal with intense urinary leakage, this method may not help much. In this case, you should consult with your doctor.

Do you wish to try pelvic exercises? Under, you can find out more about it.

Pelvic Tilt Exercises

How to do a pelvic tilt exercise:

  1. Lean your shoulders and ass on a wall
  2. Stretch your stomach in the direction of a spine. Make sure your back is flattened on the wall
  3. Tense your stomach for a couple of seconds
  4. Repeat it ten times, for about fives times a day

Kegel Exercises

First thing first: try to figure out where your pelvic floor muscles are placed. To do it, try to stop yourself while you are peeing and feel which muscles are working.

Then, you should:

  1. See which position is the most comfortable for you – typically, women like to lay on their back for Kegels
  2. Tense your pelvic floor muscles, and keep it like that for a couple of seconds
  3. Do it at least fives times

It is not easy, but you should work only on your pelvic floor. Thus, not on thighs and abs. And you should do three sets of it 5-10 times per day. If it is working well, the improvement will be in a few weeks.

Vaginal Cones

A vaginal cone is a heavy, tampon-sized item that you place into your vagina for exercising.

How to do it:

  1. Put the lightest cone in yourself
  2. Cram your muscles, and hold it like that for approximately 15 minutes, two times a day
  3. As time goes, you can use more weighted cone

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)

NMES is a method of transmitting an electric breeze via your pelvic floor utilizing a probe. That should push your pelvic floor muscles to relax and tighten.

Typically, one session takes around 20 minutes. And you should repeat it every four days for a duration of a few weeks.

It is possible to do it yourself at home or visit a doctor.

What Are The Pros Of Vaginal Tightening Gels And Creams?

Vaginal gels and creams are supposed to:

  1. Be widely available
  2. Be cheap
  3. Tighten your vagina
  4. Support tone and elasticity of the vagina
  5. Help you better your sexual experience

Top 5 Best-Sellers Vaginal Tightening Gels And Creams

#1 V Tight Gel

V-Tight Gel is a widely popular gel. The manufacturer states that it will better the elasticity of the vagina. And even improve overall health! Also, they recommend practicing Kegel exercise during the application of the gel. Yet, I must tell you that there is no solid scientific proof about side effects.

#2 IsoSensuals Vaginal Tightening Gel

IsoSensual is another widely-purchased vaginal tightening gel. Besides the gel form, you can find the pills too with the same formula. You are supposed to apply anytime between half an hour and half a minute before the sex. And it is odorless and tasteless.

#3 Skinpro Seductiva Vaginal Tightening Gel

Besides fixing the tightness and youthfulness of the vagina, this gel is supposed to improve vaginal lubrication due to astringent ingredients.

#4 Amaira Intimate Cream

The manufacturer declares that this gel tightens the vagina with no side effects. Further, they claim they use 100% natural ingredients. Thus it cannot induce irritation and unwanted reactions.

#5 Major Curves Vaginal Tightening Gel

Now, manufacturers are promising fast and easy vaginal tightening. Their product is available both as gel and pills. And you should apply directly before sex and get orgasmic intercourse.

Where Can You Buy Tightening Gels and Creams Privately?

There should not be anything shameful about taking care of your vagina or improving your sexual life. But I understand that you wish to keep your personal information private. Thus the best way to do it is to order a gel or cream from a website that guarantees your security. If the site does not guarantee you this, they will openly write your name and the name of a product on the box. And everyone in the post office could see it. So, if you are a shy lady, carefully read before you order.

How to Apply Vaginal Tightening Cream?

Applying the cream is simple. Follow the instruction below:

  1. Wash your hands thoughtfully before applying
  2. Put a pump-sized dose of the cream on your finger
  3. Put it in your vagina and gently rub your inside walls

How To Test Is It The Cream Safe Before A Use?

Before using some new cream, you should always do a patch test. You might not know what a patch test is or how to do it. So, I will quickly explain. It is a simple method of checking if you have any allergies to some product. Pick a part of your skin where you can comfortably leave creme on for about one day. Wash that area first, and then apply a small amount of product. If everything is okay, a cream is safe to use. But still, do not be generous with the amount at the start.

Does Vaginal Tightening Gels And Creams Really Work?

You must be aware that gels and creams are not the magic potions that will make you feel like a virgin again. What they should do is tighten your vagina a bit. But can they even do that?

There is no scientific proof that these products work. So, let us think a bit, shall we? Ingredients of these products are usually xanthan gum, potassium sorbate, glycerin, hazel, squalene, Manjakani, and aloe vera. Xanthan gum, potassium sorbate, glycerin, and aloe vera cannot support your vagina or muscles in any way. Hazel, squalene, and Manjakani could work. But still, no research can back up this. I mean, squalene does wonder with anti-aging, and we want to stop our vagina from getting old, but we are not sure about tightening itself. Something similar happens with Manjakani – we are assuming it is good, but we are not 100% sure. Also, we all know that hazel is healthy, but it can cause irritation to some people.

Either way, the looseness is the consequence of a lack of muscle tone, a permanent solution would be to restore the tone. Putting a gel or cream inside your vagina will not regain it. It will give compression to external tissue. Thus, a temporary solution.

Okay, we are not sure about the benefits. But what about side effects? I never heard that someone was harmed with these gels and creams, but logical thinking tells me that they could cause itching, irritation, or another unwanted reaction. I mean, as I keep repeating like a parrot – scientists are not sure about it.

What about 100% natural products, like Amaira intimate cream? Okay, we must slow down here – what means natural? Penicillin also comes from a plant, so can we call that drug natural? Check the labels to see how many additives there are. Do not get tricked! When it comes to Amaira, it is as natural as a cream can be.

The Bottom Line

Your body deserves to you be careful with it. It is your temple, the reason why you are alive. And your vagina gave you some of the biggest pleasures in your life. With more satisfaction to come, of course! Aging does not mean your sex life should stop. We already spoke about vaginal shaming. Besides misconceptions about what leads to a loose vagina, we also have products for whitening or eliminating odor. Guess what? Your vagina is supposed to look and smell the way it is – it is perfect that way. Who says opposite never tasted one – oops! And if you have issues that tightening can resolve, go for it. But not without consideration which method is suitable for you.

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