Couple Wellness

Things to consider while choosing a stripper pole

So Are you thinking of buying a stripper pole? Well, buying it becomes a bit confusing sometimes. Moreover, gone are the days when these stripper poles used to be only in nightclubs. Nowadays, you’ll find couples buying it for their bedroom to create ecstatic moments with their partners. With a variety of poles available you can choose the one as per your needs. In addition, it is essential to choose quality poles to avoid serious damages or injuries. Buying a stripper pole may appear like a dubious addition but it can be advantageous in countless ways. With the appropriately installed pole, you can experience a lot. You can perform strength exercises to keep your body fit and use the pole to scintillate your love life.

What is a stripper pole?

The stripper pole is an easy-to-install pole usually used by dancers to practice dance, yoga, etc. Stripper poles come in different forms like removable, portable, static, and spinning. With a stripper pole, one can learn how to perform a pole dance. It is one of the best ways to lose weight, as pole dance includes activities like climbing, lifting, and stretching which helps in building strong muscles. No doubt, stripper pole activities target the whole body, and these exercises are good for the entire body. It relaxes your mind, soul, and is the strongest core workout.

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What to consider before buying a stripper pole?

Here are a few things that you must consider before buying a stripper pole. It is crucial to consider the brands before buying the stripper poles. You will get an assortment of options that might confuse you. So, before going to shop for stripper poles, you must be aware of the types of stripper poles and also how to use them. It is essential to learn how to use a stripper pole because according to the data of 2019, 54.5% of people injured their shoulders from the stripper pole, and 34.25 injured their wrist.

There are three types in it: permanent, free-standing, and removable.

Permanent Stripper pole

The poles that are fully attached to the ceiling and the floor are permanent poles. These poles are securely screwed with your ceilings, and go well with your permanent exercise or fitness room. In addition, the permanent poles are more secure than the portable ones.

Removable or Portable Pole

Some people don’t like to showcase what they have in their fitness rooms or bedroom. So, such people go for removable or portable poles. Moreover, portable poles are better because you can move them anytime.

Free Standing Pole

Freestanding poles do not touch the ceiling of your bedroom or fitness room. In case, you have new ceilings or floors, and you do not want to harm them with stripping poles, a freestanding pole is an excellent choice for you

Friction based Poles

These friction-based poles can be taken down anytime as these are placed in between the ceiling and floor. These poles are easy to spin and take very little space.

Below is the guide to choosing the right stripper pole for yourself.

Size of the Pole matters

Before spending on the stripper pole, it is better to measure the size of your ceiling. Moreover, Poles have different diameters, so ensure you correctly choose the diameter of your pole. The standard diameter of poles is 45mm, 50mm, and 40mm. If in any case, you are getting confused then buy a stripper pole having the standard industry diameter which is 45mm.

Type of pole: Static/spinning

Make your preferences, which stripper pole you want, like static or spinning. Static poles are the ones that do not rotate, and if you are a beginner, these are perfect for you. Experienced pole dancers or the ones who are perfect at balancing their bodies can go for spinning poles. It depends on your requirement of the type of pole.


Safety should be your biggest concern. What if you hurt yourself while using the pole? Well, in that case, it can be a serious and severe injury and an embarrassing situation for you. To avoid injuries, take care of your safety first.

Metal coatings on Pole

Different poles have a variety of grips, and it is your own preference which coat to choose.  Metal coatings on the pole are of the following types:

Stainless steel

Well, the standard coating used in the industry is stainless steel coating. It is the most slippery of all the coatings, and for it, you might need gloves. The poles that you see in the nightclubs or at pole dance competitions have steel coating on them. For handling the slippery pole, you need to work a bit harder to balance your body. If you are trained in gripping this pole, you can manage the stripping poles with any coating.

Chrome coating

Chrome is also slippery but less than stainless steel. You can consider both almost similar in the case of gripping. As it is a bit porous than stainless steel, beginners can think of using it.

Some people find chrome coating best and use it as a beginner.

Brass Coating

Brass is less slippery and is more porous than the previous coating. However, a stripper pole with brass coating usually loses its shine if not kept in the right climate.

Titanium Gold Coating

Some people like titanium gold coating because its grip level is 4, and is the most porous and polished metal. In addition, it does not tarnish as the brass coating does. Due to this reason, people usually buy stripper poles with titanium gold coating. It has an excellent grip, best for beginners.

Powder-coated pole

Powder coating stripper poles offer superior grip, but for that, you need to clean it timely. It is an excellent option for the ones who can clean the pole regularly.

Silicone coating

It is different from all the coatings discussed till now. It is covered with meta-grade silicone, and the best part is this coating is not slippery at all.

How to install a Stripper pole at your home

Fitting a pole in your home or fitness room is quite simple. You don’t need to exert a lot.  It is much easier when you have a portable pole model because you can easily assemble and disassemble a portable stripper pole. Portable poles never damage the ceilings. Nevertheless, permanent poles might harm your ceilings. 

While fixing the pole, you need to ensure the pole is braced property with the ceilings.  Install the pole, after analyzing the space you need for performing your moves. While fixing the stripper pole, add the plates at the bottom and top. Ensure the pole is fixed on the ceiling joist. There will be a wrench provided along with it. Use the wrench to stand up the pole, and tighten the bottom plate. Do not forget to test the pole by applying force and checking whether it’s strong.

Go grooving!

Advantages of a Stripper Pole: What are the benefits of having a stripper pole at your home

Having a stripper pole can benefit you in many ways. Along with a fun-filled sexy life, it can benefit in a lot of ways. Pole dance is that form of workout that requires major strength and celebrities and dancers from all over the world are crazy about it.  Have a look at below benefits of a stripper pole at your home.


Many people don’t like rigorous workouts because they don’t like cardio exercises. However, cardiovascular activities are what pole dancers do in their routines. It is not only famous for cardiovascular activities but also famous for strengthening legs and arms. In addition, it is not that easy to balance out your body in pole dancing. Moreover, it is good for people who hate the gym because they can easily go pole dance to do regular cardio.

Core workout

Pole dance is not only about twirling yourself in the air, it requires body balancing which is something very difficult. However, twirling involves a lot of extending, your adaptability will likewise procure the benefits. The best core workout is the pole core workout. You will not at any point need to do sit-ups or crunches once more, and with time, that six-pack will be yours.

Interior decoration

Well, poles can be used for interior decoration. However, at the first glance, people would think about it in a strange way like the stripper pole in nightclubs. Nevertheless, you can still use the pole in your bedroom, living area to enhance its look. If you are looking for some fun addition to your home, a stripper pole is not a bad idea. So, getting funky!

Enhanced weight loss exercise

Dancing with a strip pole required a lot of endurance and core strength which is quite challenging to have the first time. Daily practice and training can help you to attain the balance that a body needs at first. Also, with pole dance, a woman can easily tone up her body and stay in shape. If you are looking to drop some pounds, you can consider pole dance. The condition lies that you need to work harder and not only once a week.

Builds up your back

As per back strength is concerned, pole dance can help you to attain that much strength. Perfect pole dance combines your core, and with these exercises, you can develop strong back muscles. This, no need for a third person to carry your own stuff.

Confident body

With a pole in your home, you can perform such moves that can make you more confident for what you are. Just regular exercise or balancing exercises on the pole can make you confident about your looks. Men and Women both can use it to increase their endurance, confidence in their outer body. Every day, a single effort can add a lot to your endurance. Stripper pole along with spicing up your romantic life can do various things.

Pole dance is now a sport, and before it was considered a way to seduce the opposite sex. Well, stripper poles can help couples to add magic to their lives. The sensual pole moves can tempt your partner to be kinky and teasy. Moreover, pole dance is a better way to stay in sexy shape. The erotic dance moves on the stripper pole can increase the rush of hormones in your counterpart.

How to choose the best stripper pole for yourself

The best stripper pole highly depends on how you are going to use it. If you are going to use it for dancing, you can go for a permanent or removal one.  Most people go for removable and portable stripper poles because it can be easy to move them from one place to another. When you opt for removable poles, they can be broken into pieces to store effortlessly in your cupboard or closet. Many times, people with heavy body weight get conscious whether they should use the stripping pole or is it safe for them? The answer to this is that people with a heavy body and full-figure need to take care of certain safety measures and rest they are good to go.


In a nutshell, a stripper pole at your home can help you in many ways. Installing it in the bedroom can help you reinvigorate your sex life and add spice to any dull relationship. It is found that pole dance sustains the craving between the couple and alleviates the attraction. However, you should be careful of a few things like smoothness, safety, etc. The thought of getting funky with your partner is good but maintaining a balance on the stripper pole is extremely hard. Don’t try it until and unless you are trained and know how to stretch and balance your body. Moreover, before purchasing a stripper pole, read the reviews about it, compare prices, and choose a high-quality pole.

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