Female Wellness

Learn what is a sensual massage and How to give a sensual massage to your lady? This sensual massage guide will help you

Have you thought about giving a sensual massage to your partner but don’t know how to get started? Well, don’t worry, this post has got you covered. Sensual massage doesn’t only feel good, but it brings along many benefits. Sensual massage, commonly known as erotic massage, is primarily a sexual therapy that focuses on stimulating the libido. Sensual massage has been in practice for a long time and is very effective.

Sensual massage or erotic massage feeds your body and makes it feel calm and relaxed. The main benefit of trying it is that it is good for your mental health. Someone who is struggling with stress or anxiety can gain a lot from sensual massage. In addition, since the massage is seasoned with erotica, it helps you release the feel-good hormone dopamine. Dopamine is the hormone that your body releases when you feel happy after eating your favorite food or watching a good movie.

There are around 80 massages that incorporate a sensual massage, but we don’t want to dwell into all 80; instead, we want to offer you some techniques that you can try while giving sensual massage to your partner. Moreover, since you are not a sensual massage professional, it is better to try a few techniques and master them rather than learning about all the methods and not being able to do any.

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The ingredients that you will need

So, to begin with, there are a few things that you will have to get right. There is a way to do a sensual massage, and it is not like the ordinary massage that you go for. A sensual massage will also require you and your partner to be in the moment to get the right outcome. Focus on the effect, and everything will happen accordingly.

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Begin by setting the mood right

The first thing that you will have to do is set the mood right. Remember, it’s a sensual massage; focus on the word sensual here. You want your partner to be as comfortable as possible. Whether your partner is male or female, setting the mood right goes for everyone. Think about anything that will make your partner feel relaxed before you begin to give them a sensual massage.

Dim the light if it is night; else, close the curtains if it is the daytime. Now light some scented candles. Scented candles always help the mind and body to relax. Moreover, candles will create a romantic ambiance as well. Once done, you need to shift your focus in preparing the place for the massage. You can give a sensual massage to your partner by making them lie down on a bed, floor, or a table, wherever your partner feels comfortable.

All you will need is a flat surface so that you can easily give the massage. You don’t need to buy a separate table to give a massage. Any plain surface will do.

Add some music; it always works

Another part of setting the mood right is playing some sensual music. Don’t play Marilyn Manson or Metallica; they are the mood killers for a sensual massage. Any soothing music without any loud beats will do. You will find music online dedicated to sensual massage. Do find them.

Think about your goal. If you only want your partner to relax and fall asleep after the massage completely, you can play soft and slow blues music. However, if you want to end up having sex before going to bed together, soul music will do the trick. For sensual relaxation massage, nature sounds, for example, rain, fireflies, or running water, will be ideal choices.

Buy some good quality massage oil

Since it is about giving a sensual massage, you can’t skip massage oils. Now, there is a wide range of massage oils available. You can go for Marula, Macadamia Nut, Coconut, Camelia, Rosehip Seed, Apricot Kernel, Borage oil, and other oil made of natural ingredients. Pick one that has a calming effect, and that smells good.

Massage oils are readily available online and offline. Whatever route suits you, grab an oil. Moreover, you can head over to a skincare or spa shop to ask for the best massage shop if you need some guidance or read about massage oil in detail on the internet. Buy one and ensure to store it in a cool and dark space.

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The Sensual Massage Techniques to Try

Now that you are ready with the ingredients, it’s time to learn about sensual massage techniques. The techniques that we have here are different from one another. You can give one or try all of them. If you are unsure about trying the massage directly on your partner’s body, you can begin using this technique on your thighs. If that feels good, then try the technique on your partner’s body.

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Shiatsu is a popular Japanese-style massage where some pressure is added to the back using the thumbs of both hands. If you have received a nice back massage using this pressure technique, then you have already felt how Shiatsu feels like. To do this technique, you will first have to make your partner lie down on their stomach. Then, uncover the back and use the thumbs of your hands. Rub some massage oil, gently start applying some pressure using the thumbs and begin to rotate slowly.

While applying pressure, you will begin to feel some knots. Once you do find the knots, try to loosen them up. Don’t put a lot of pressure because that can hurt your partner. If the thumb is not putting enough pressure, use the elbow of your hand and start putting pressure gently. But, use the elbow only if you are sure about it. Else, continue using your thumbs.


Compression is a massage technique that will involve mild pressure. In compression massage, you need to place both the palms of your hands on the body, be it back or the front. Then, once again, apply massage oil to the whole body. Begin by adding mild pressure on the back, buttocks, belly, chest, neck, and everywhere else to get the blood flowing.

Compression should be applied first if you have never tried Shiatsu. There is no order to trying the techniques, but if you have never tried Shiatsu, then yes, better to try the compression technique. Let the body warm up first, and then start applying the other methods.


In stroking, you will be applying long and gentle strokes on the body. For example, you can begin by stroking the back and gradually moving your hands towards the legs. Since you will be applying the pressure of both hands, the pressure will be even throughout the body and will feel light.

You need to keep the fingers together, and the palms and thumbs will be parallel. Ensure that your hands are ultimately in contact with your partner’s body. The stroking massaging technique is pleasant and will make your partner’s body feel completely relaxed.


As the name suggests, the friction technique will create friction. However, in this technique, you will not have to use any massage oil. Also, this technique needs to be applied only on the feet and hands. Since these two body parts are not like the rest of the body, you can put more significant pressure to create friction.

Begin by using your thumb and putting pressure on your partner’s body. You will start by adding pressure on smaller areas, then gradually move to the rest of the areas of their hands and feet. One tip, though, do this only if you know. You can watch a few videos to learn how it’s done; if you are unsure, don’t try it because you can hurt your partner’s feet and hands if you apply more pressure.


Kneading should be done on areas that have muscles. It will be similar to a baker kneading bread. Don’t apply this technique to your partner’s belly because this can make your partner feel uncomfortable. You will be lifting and grasping the tissue, but don’t lift it too high. Your palms will begin to press the muscle tissue, and then you will gradually start using your fingers.

You can wrap up the massage by applying the kneading technique. Next, you can apply the compression technique to enhance the blood flow of your partner’s body. Then, apply the Shiatsu technique on the shoulders; once done, you can apply some oil and use the stroking method followed by friction on the legs and palms, and finally finishing it off with kneading.

Let’s Begin the Fun Part: How to Give a Sensual Massage

After learning the techniques, you may wonder how to begin giving a sensual massage. You are ready with the ingredients, you have set the mood right, you know about the techniques; so, here are some popular moves that you should try on your partner.

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Start by giving a head massage to make her relaxed

We have been emphasizing this one repeatedly, and we will do it again. You need to make your partner feel relaxed. If your partner is new and you are hesitant to touch their private parts, you should start by giving her a head massage. Begin by rubbing the forehead and temples. Now, use your fingers and apply some pressure and while applying some pressure, start moving your fingers downward. Keep massaging the scalp in this way and finish by kissing her ears. This will arouse her.

Go down to the neck, shoulder, and back

If your partner is comfortable getting undressed, let her back be completely bare. Apply some massage oil on your hands and rub it to make it warm. Begin massaging the neck area first. Be gentle and use both your palms. Now, slide your hands towards your partner’s shoulders. Once you are touching the shoulders, apply some pressure. Gradually, start applying long strokes on her back. Finally, if you both are comfortable, you can move your hands down to your partner’s buttocks.

Buttock massage is a must

If you want to get into a romantic foreplay session, apply a good amount of massage oil and start massaging your partner’s buttocks. This will make your partner feel aroused. Next, place your palms on the buttocks and start massaging both the buttock cheeks in a circular movement. You can use the kneading technique here to make your partner feel better. Your partner will enjoy the whole buttock massage session.

Glide your hands to her legs

Once you are done with massaging the buttocks, slide your hands to the legs. When massaging the legs, you need to apply long strokes. While using the stroking technique, you can apply a gentle kneading technique as well. Ensure not to put a lot of pressure on the calves and thighs. Since the legs can feel your hands’ pressure pretty quickly, use massage oil not to cause any damage to the skin.

Give her a good foot massage

You have to include foot massage in the sensual massage session. Apply friction technique, and don’t worry about applying the massage oil. Let your partner lie down on their back and begin using the gentle friction technique. Don’t apply too much pressure.

Hands need to feel relaxed too

After you are done giving the foot massage, grab her hands and start massaging her hands. This will be similar to giving the foot massage. Ensure to massage the entire hand, including the palms. To massage the hands, you can use massage oil, whereas to massage the calm, you may skip the oil.

Be gentle while giving chest massage

If you are massaging a woman, give her chest massage towards the end. You need to gently rub the breast muscles while applying massage oil all over them. This will build up the desire, which will eventually allow you both to enjoy sex massage. Be gentle while massaging her breasts.

Full body rubdown massage

If you have mastered all the techniques, why not add all the techniques together and progress to sex massage? You know what all needs to be done, so put them all together.

Now progress to sex massage

After giving the massages to your partner, you will already make them aroused, which will let you enjoy penetration sex better. But don’t just jump into it right away. Instead, begin kissing her lips, nipples, touching her vagina, and finger her. Perform oral sex if she allows, and then finally enjoy penetration sex massage.

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